Nourish What You Want To Grow

Nourish the seeds you planted if you want them to grow.

A farmer’s process isn’t something that renders results overnight. The process is a time consuming and laborious cycle. They must prepare the land by loosening the soil in order to plant the seeds. They have to ensure the minerals and nutrients in the ground are balanced to meet the needs of the crops they plan to grow. Once all this is said and done, it’s only then that the sowing begins.

Seeds are scattered about giving just the right amount of separation in between. And even once this is completed, the work is not finished. In order for these seeds to grow they have to be nourished. Watered. Protected from critters. And cared for all through the growing process until it is time to harvest. This process is done with great attention and patience in order for the farmer to reap his reward. A bountiful harvest.

When we plant seeds in our lives, whether in our children, marriage, families, business, ministries and careers, anywhere in our lives, I see a similar process. We can’t just expect to sow a seed and expect the results we want if we don’t continue to nourish those seeds. We have to do our part. Just like the farmers, we too must be vigilant in how we care for the seeds we sow in our lives. And in the moments where we don’t see a single sprout from what we have planted, we must remain persistent and faithful, believing that in the right season, we will reap the harvest we seek to reap.

Galatians 6:9 says,

“Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

So many times I spent long nights working on new Bible studies and preparing messages to teach. All the while I wondered if I had heard God right. Was I walking in my purpose? Was I doing what God wanted me to do? Would I see the reward for all my hard work? I questioned so many times if in fact every seed I had sowed into this ministry would one day flourish. I wasn’t seeing the results I expected. In the timing I anticipated.

It was until one day God spoke to me. God reminded me that when I first began teaching and writing Bible studies, I was focused on just that. I wasn’t focused on the platform or the reward. I was focused simply on fulfilling what I believed He had called me to do. It was a reality check. It wasn’t about a reward or self fulfillment. It wasn’t about the followers or even the likes. It was about one thing and one thing alone. Teaching God’s Word.

The moment we lose focus of what we have been called to do, we veer off into a trap of feeling we should be doing more. We look at where we aren’t instead of savoring the moments of where we are today. And when we do this, we start to lose our passion. Our passion for what once sparked a burning flame within us. We lose sight of our WHY.

My dear friend, I encourage you to redirect your focus on the seeds you have sowed. Are you nourishing those seeds? Are you doing your part despite the lack of growth? Are you truly believing for a bountiful harvest in your life? Nourish what you have sowed. Wait in faith, expectant to achieve your goals and visions. Believe without doubt that soon all you have sowed will grow in abundance. And begin preparing for your harvest. Preparation for the achievement of your goals and visions is an act of faith. As your prepare you are envisioning the results you have desired. You are preparing with an expectancy as though it was already achieved. And through this attitude of expectancy comes breakthrough. Harvest!


psst…God Loves You

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3 Comments Add yours

  1. Dawn says:

    I love Galatians 6:9! I enjoyed your writing. We must be diligent to do what is right, for the right reasons. Thanks for this reminder to keep our focus on Christ and He will bring the increase in His perfect timing. 💕🌸

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Dawn! Always such a blessing to hear from you. You are a wonderful voice of encouragement. God bless you sister!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dawn says:

        You’re welcome! God bless you too 💕🌸


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