Embarrassing Scars

The scars left behind from wounds and surgeries can sometimes be a little embarrassing and too ugly to let anyone see.  The healing of the scars isn’t always flattering.  I have scars on my right shoulder from an injury I sustained in an auto accident.  I had my right shoulder rotator cuff repaired and because…

IMPOSSIBLE is just a word for giving up

Happy Easter everyone!  I pray that as you celebrated the rising of our savior you had a blessed day with your loved ones. Yesterday my 14 year old shared with me something he had thought of.  He is funny, because he prepared me, making it so dramatic, saying what he was about to tell me…

Throwing In The Towel?

Ever feel like just throwing in the towel and giving up?  You try and try to make things right but get to a point where you just don’t feel you have anything left to give or to do.  Life is filled with struggles, hardships and disappointments.  We can choose to either allow these moments to…

It’s Never Too Late

  Is there something you have dreamt of doing but felt it was too late to start.  Maybe you have always wanted to get back into school, study something new, head off on a new career path.  At 41, I made a change in my life and a year later that change resulted in me…

Live With Purpose

When you wake up each morning, do you wake up with a purpose?  Do you wake up thinking of what you want to accomplish that day?  A goal you are determined to achieve?  A project you want to complete?  Starting our day with a purpose, a goal, gives us something to strive for.  God created…

Season For Growth

It’s the 1st day of Spring and that time of the year when we start planting new seeds and new plants in both our vegetable garden and flower beds.  This is one of my favorite seasons of the year.  It’s a season for fresh new things…a season for growth.  Our azaleas and lavender are in…

What’s Your Plan of Action?

My goal last year was to have one book written and finished ready to submit for publishing.  I accomplished my goal and had my book completed a few days before the end of the year.  As 2016 started I had set a new goal.  To get my first book published.  Well, we are now in…

All Talk…No Action.

Do you have FAITH?  Most of you will answer YES.  Yes you believe in God.  Yes you believe He is there for you.  Yes you have faith in Him.  So how often do you ACT on your faith in God?  Are you putting actions behind your words?  Are you truly giving it to God when…

The Choice Is Yours

Your circumstances do not define who you are.  You decide who you want to be. The choice is yours.  I’ve always been a firm believer that the choices we make, make the person we are.  Growing up I went through some difficult times, especially as a child.  As I grew older I didn’t allow myself…

Look…a Distraction!

Oh how easy it is to get lost in distractions.  I’m quick to get distracted when it’s time for me to get to work sometimes.  I have those moments where I just can’t get myself focused.  I’m like that dog on the movie UP that says, “Squirrel!” and he drifts off and loses his focus. …